Top electrical issues and their solutions

Top electrical issues

Today we are going to talk about top electrical issues and their solutions commonly found at homes. Inadequate wire connections or malfunctioning electrical accessories and equipment are the root causes of many electrical wiring issues in and around our homes. Around 51,000 fire breakouts occur annually as a result of electrical fires in residential homes, according to Electrical Safety Foundation International.


Common electrical issues face at home 

  1. Electric shocksElectrical shocks could occur when you switch an appliance on or off. Even if the shocks are small, they are a sign that there is a wiring issue or an electrical issue with the appliance.

    Solution: Try plugging in a different device to see if the issue persists. In order to prevent any injuries, have an electrician come in and fix the issue if the results can be repeated.

  2. Circuit breaker trips: Circuit breakers are safety devices that automatically cut power when a circuit becomes overloaded. Trips can be as a result of faulty connections, overloaded outlet.
           Possible cause of tripping circuit breaker
    • Overloaded Circuit
    • Short Circuit
    • Ground Fault
    • Arc Fault

How to Reset a Tripped Circuit Breaker: Locate your distribution box and identify the tripped breaker (usually the breaker will be in the OFF position). Once you’ve identified the tripped breaker, switch it firmly to the OFF position and then back to ON position.

Important Note: If the breaker trips repeatedly, it indicates a persistent overload. Don’t keep resetting it: this could lead to overheating and fire hazards.

    3. Faulty appliances: Most times the common electrical issues faced at home are faulty appliances, always check your appliances before use.

NOTE: Electrical work can be hazardous and should only be undertaken by qualified professionals. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from the use of this information. It is strongly recommended that you consult a certified electrician for personalized advice and to handle any electrical repairs or installations. Always adhere to local building regulations and safety standards.

See also: Electrical issues and DIY solutions ||Electrical software